Handbags make a statement about your unique personal style. Wearing a bag in a contrasting colour to your outfit but still within your colour palette is a creative style option which will add zing. Try colours from your palette that you’ve not tried before. This…
Are you getting married or have you been invited to a wedding or special event and don’t know what to wear? Do you want to find out more about Colour Analysis and Personal Styling? Wedding and special occasion outfits are a brilliant opportunity to wear…
Ladies Style and Confidence Event. Saturday 2nd November 2019, 10.00am to 3.00pm at Rainford Village Hall, Church Road, Rainford, St Helens, WA11 8HB. I am pleased to say I will be joining Sandra Edwards, Life Coach and Ellamora Boutique, Rainford, for a fun and informative…
Autumn/Winter 2019 Style Update. A new season brings fresh inspiration and fresh ideas to update your personal style. To help inspire you to invigorate your wardrobe, new season Style Update sessions for Autumn and Winter 2019 are now available at my studio. A seasonal Style…
Time for a Colour Review St Helens Merseyside Liverpool Wigan and Leigh. Is it time for a Colour Review? You had your colours analysed years ago but now realise that your colouring has changed? Or have you changed your hair colour and found the shades…
Check out tweed, checks, and tartan designs which are in season right now. Check out your wardrobe too and give a new lease of life to these designs. Checks and stripes look fabulous on straight body shapes but if you are curvy and love these…